The heart of change is a change of heart.
Duduum is the
beat of our heart when we are in the heart and act from this inner place.
Duduum is the journey that allows us to take us there.

There can be no true change without heart: our ability to love ourselves, others, nature and the cosmos are the tools for radical change.

For a better world, we can change society, structures, organizations, mental models and therefore we can change our behaviors, only when we reconnect with our heart. Taking ourselves to heart allows us to remember “who we are” and our “purpose”, which is to nourish a happy life for us and for the world outside of us.
That is, we need to “return* to the heart, cultivating listening, courage, wisdom, empathy, the intimacy of connections, compassion, forgiveness, slowness, presence. Love.
This change must start with us and it can really start, in small steps.

Have you ever tried to change your daily habits or acquire new, more virtuous ones?
For example, quitting smoking, walking thirty minutes a day, reducing the consumption of unhealthy foods, limiting the time spent on social media, meditating, reading a book a week, being intentionally kind three times a day, avoiding procrastination, starting the day with a prayer of gratitude, not arguing with your mother, cultivating forgiveness, suspending judgment… . The list is endless.
How did it go?
Probably not always good.
And it is natural. That is, we naturally tend to retrace “past patterns” because they make us feel safe, because the comfort zone allows us to save energy to face the continuous adversities of life.
To activate a virtuous change, desire is not enough: we need to change our thoughts, open our hearts to compassion and activate a true will to act with courage to let go of what no longer works in the past and open the doors to the new (desire is not enough).

The DUDUUM ritual is designed to help us:
❤️ Reconnecting with the body . While tasting DUDUUM, when we ask "what do you feel in your body?" for many of us it is difficult to feel the relationship between food and body, a testimony to the state of disconnection in which we find ourselves. The new taste of DUDUUM, together with its persistent effect, help to regain this relationship, day after day.
❤️ Becoming aware of being prisoners of the past . Tasting DUDUUM, which has the scent of chocolate, waiting for a sweet taste, our brain often searches for past experience instead of opening up to the new with curiosity and wonder. We are led to judge the present, perpetuating the past and its dysfunctions. By accepting the new instead, we learn to live and discover the beauty and abundance that is already present everywhere.
❤️ Having the courage to let go of our certainties and open ourselves to the unknown.
❤️ Becoming aware of the transformative power of storytelling. When we accompany the tasting with engaging and powerful storytelling that touches the heart, the result of the experience changes. The way we experience an act changes in us.
daily life, connecting us to the people, places and work that allowed us to “nourish ourselves” not only with food, but also with the “hidden humanity” and the meaning of life. The narrative (and the thoughts
(which arise from this) influences our sensory experience through emotions, the complete participation of our “being” here and now in relation to the universe in which we are immersed.
❤️ Create/modify a new habit of virtuous life . When we become more aware of our internal functioning, and see ourselves and the entire system as vital interconnected elements, we can observe ourselves from the balcony and no longer just from the ballroom (which sees us completely involved in doing). Thanks to this "seeing ourselves from the inside and simultaneously seeing ourselves from the outside" we can - through GUIDED PATHS of activation of curiosity, courage (act of the heart) and will - build new connections (synapses) that allow us to modify and create new behaviors in the service of greater happiness.

More details on the GUIDED TOURS can be found in the " Transformative tastings " section.