What are "transformative tastings"?

They are experiential laboratories of INNER CHANGE (Inner Development Goals: IDGs - Inner Development Goals ) to develop those internal capacities necessary to face EXTERNAL CHANGE ( SDG - Agenda 2030 ), a prerequisite for creating a better future on one or more of the sustainable development goals in one's own territory.
They focus on the development of:
❤️ an empathetic and generative listening,
❤️ a systemic vision,
❤️ a consequent action aimed at generating common good.

What are their goals?

That of accompanying groups of people in an experience - or path - of EXPANDED collective intelligence, guided simultaneously by rationality, by the world of the senses and emotions, to face together challenges and opportunities related to the issues considered most urgent for the context.
Thanks to "transformative tastings" we will be able, on an individual and collective level:
❤️ generate insights,
❤️ change mental models,
❤️ activate new virtuous behaviors guided by greater awareness

They are addressed, in different ways, to companies (for example ITA , ENG ), organizations, schools, public administration and groups.

They are facilitated in collaboration with wise, highly experienced and certified international professionals, with whom we maintain relationships of deep trust.

Guided tours

Discovering cocoa (food of the gods) and the heart

Minimum duration: 1.5 hours

In this journey of discovery, we will explore the historical, organoleptic, health and supply chain aspects of cocoa. We will also be able to experience how the cocoa ritual can transform into a daily practice of inner renewal, acting on our thoughts and mental models, on our emotions and behaviors and thus creating a positive impact on the outside world.

Depending on the interests you wish to explore, the age of the participants and the context, we can co-create a tailor-made path with the "client".
We also collaborate with actors, if you want to bring a "theatrical" narration.

For more information contact us at 079/ 30.26.339.

A heart development plan

Duration: minimum 10 hour route

  • meeting with the client, choosing the challenge/opportunity that you want to face in the group
  • experiential laboratory

Ideal attendance: 8-12 people

Mode: in presence.

Methodology used: Theory U and IDGs framework

Languages: Italian (also available in French, German or English)

Price: to be agreed

For more information write to us or call us at 079/30.26.339.

Duduum: the transformative power of a more conscious relationship with food and its virtuous effects

Duration: to be co-defined with the client. The approach we favor is to co-design with the client and stakeholders the path we want to propose to reach the set goal. For the result to be transformative, a motivated and responsible involvement of the leadership and the subjects is needed, and a medium-term time horizon.

Languages: Italian (also available in French, German or English)

Mode: online/in person

Methodology used: Theory U and IDGs framework

Price: to be agreed.

For more information write to us or call us at 079/30.26.339.

Duduum: the transformative power of a more conscious relationship with money and its virtuous effects

Duration: to be co-defined with the client. The approach we favor is to co-design with the client and stakeholders the path we want to propose to reach the set goal. For the result to be transformative, a motivated and responsible involvement of the leadership and the subjects is needed, and a medium-term time horizon.

Languages: Italian (also available in French, German or English)

Mode: online/in person

Methodology used: Theory U and IDGs framework

Price: to be agreed.

For more information write to us or call us at 079/30.26.339.